Welcome to the Operation Aviation™ command post!
Operation Aviation™ is a series of rhyming military aircraft adventures featuring anthropomorphic fighter jets and a supportive cast of aviation friends.
Operación Aviación™ es una serie de libros en rima sobre aviones militares protagonizados por aviones de combate antropomórficos y un elenco de aviones amigos.
English and Spanish editions of the first three stories in the OA series released in 2024:

Fly with Mytai and Vuela con Maytai (March 12, 2024)
979-8-88752-020-9 HC ENG / 979-8-88752-021-6 HC SPA
Mytai is an F-22 fighter jet with a need for speed! It’s the day of a big training exercise, and to win this airborne game of tag, Mytai will need help from her aircraft friends. By working together and sharing their diverse talents, Mytai and her team accomplish the mission and demonstrate the power of teamwork!
Maytai es una avioncita de combate F-22 que ama la velocidad. Ha llegado el día de un ejercicio de entrenamiento importante, pero para ganar este juego aéreo, Maytai necesitará ayuda de sus aviones compañeros. Trabajando juntos y compartiendo sus diversos talentos, Maytai y su equipo cumplirán la misión y demostrarán el poder del trabajo en equipo.
Toad the Tanker and El Tanquecito (June 11, 2024)
979-8-88752-022-3 HC ENG / 979-8-88752-023-0 HC SPA
Toad is a KC-135 tanker, and he’s the most helpful plane in the sky! He shares his gas by refueling his friends in the air. Thanks to Toad and his giving nature, everyone stays airborne and accomplishes their missions.
Tanquecito es un avión cisterna KC-135, ¡y es el avión más servicial del cielo! Comparte gasolina llenando el tanque de sus aviones compañeros en el aire. Gracias a Tanquecito y a su generosidad, todos pueden seguir volando y cumpliendo sus misiones.
Moose on a Mission and La misión de Alce (Sept 10, 2024)
979-8-88752-024-7 HC ENG / 979-8-88752-025-4 HC SPA
Moose is a C-17 cargo jet who loves big adventures! Join her on a mission as she flies around the world and makes new friends! By working hard (and knowing when to take a break), Moose gets the job done and has fun along the way.
Alce es un avión de carga C-17 apasionada por grandes aventuras. Acompáñala en su misión mientras vuela alrededor del mundo y hace nuevos amigos. Trabajando duro (y sabiendo cuándo tomarse un descanso), Alce cumple su trabajo y se divierte en el camino.
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Join the Mission (subscribe) to hear about when the planes will land (publication), ancillary air traffic (trading cards and patches), and other OA news as we introduce the authors, artists, books, and characters! Tower will alert you to advance reading copies, early peeks at art inside the books, preorder special offerings, and more!
Meet the OA creative team:
Author Teri Weber
Illustrator Brenda Harris
Translator Gabriella Aldeman
Editor Tamara Rittershaus
Publisher Karen Pavlicin
*The Operation Aviation™ logo, designed by Brenda Harris, is a trademark of Elva Resa Publishing LLC. El logotipo de Operación Aviación™, diseñado por Brenda Harris, es una marca comercial registrada de Elva Resa Publishing LLC.
Tower is a character in the Operation Aviation™ series illustrated by Brenda Harris. El torre ilustraciones de Brenda Harris.