
We’ll see you at ALA in San Diego! Visit us at Booth 1927H in the Indie Press Pavilion.
These are a few of the titles we’ll be featuring: ALA Book Flyer

Elva Resa booth 1927H at ALA 2024We believe libraries play a critical role in access to reading for everyone in the community. Thank you for your interest in adding our resources to your library collection!

You may purchase our print books from Military Family Books distribution or any major library wholesaler. Our ebooks are available from all major library e-service providers via IPG Digital distribution, including Overdrive, 3M/Bibilotecha, Baker & Taylor/Access 360, and Hoopla.

We work with librarians to develop book clubs, author events, children’s reading programs, special bulletin boards, school library and media room programs, and posters that encourage reading and support literacy. Contact a team member at staff [@] to talk with us about your library’s needs.

Additional ordering information

Elva Resa Publishing