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Blatty Featured Author at 2025 Tennessee Williams Literary Festival

March 26 - March 30

JT Blatty, Snapshots Sent Home, is a featured author at the 2025 Tennessee Williams & New Orleans Literary Festival, to be held March 26-30, 2025.

Now in its 39th year, the festival is a five-day literary event held each spring in New Orleans’ historic French Quarter that attracts participants from around the world. Festival activities include writer’s craft sessions, literary discussions, theatre events, walking tours, and other special events.

Local independent bookstore Octavia Books will serve as the festival bookseller. The book fair is open during the Festival weekend on the mezzanine level of the Hotel Monteleone. The book fair is near festival headquarters and the Queen Anne Ballroom, where many of the events will take place.

For more information, visit the festival website.

JT Blatty, author of Snapshots Sent Home, Elva Resa 2024. Photo credit: Dmytro Lavrenchuk
JT Blatty

JT Blatty is the author of Snapshots Sent Home: From Afghanistan, Iraq, and Ukraine—A Memoir (Elva Resa, 2024). A US Army combat veteran and photographer, JT went to Ukraine in 2018, drawn by the familiarity of war and those who serve in wars. As she embedded with Ukrainian volunteer soldiers to document their stories, her story began to blend with theirs.


March 26
March 30