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Hilton, Scherer, Smiley Sign Stories Around the Table at Pentagon Nov. 24, 2014

Coauthors Jeremy Hilton, Holly Scherer, and Sarah Smiley will sign copies of Stories Around the Table: Laughter, Wisdom, and Strength in Military Life at the Pentagon Concourse Food Court on Mon., Nov. 24, 2014, 11 AM to 1 PM ET. This event is NOT open to the general public. You must have a Pentagon badge or escort to attend.

Barnes Discusses Spouse Calls at St Louis Public Library, Nov 13, 2014

Susan Phalen

Military family journalist Terri Barnes will discuss and sign her book Spouse Calls: Messages From a Military Life at the St Louis Public Library on Thurs. Nov. 13 at 7 PM Central in the library's Training Room. Terri will talk about the lives of military families in war and peacetime, read from her book, answer questions, and sign books.

Angela Caban Shares National Guard View With Howard Monroe Live Nov. 11, 2014, 7:15 AM Eastern

Angela Caban, coauthor of Stories Around the Table: Laughter, Wisdom, and Strength in Military Life talks with radio host Howard Monroe about what it's like to be a military family in a civilian community. The segment airs live on "Howard Monroe and The Morning Show" AM1370 WVLY in West Virginia and Ohio Valley, on Veterans Day, Tues., Nov. 11 at 7:15 AM Eastern.

Barnes Talks About Military Life on Faith Radio Nov. 10, 2014

What's the real story of military life? Journalist and military spouse Terri Barnes, author of Spouse Calls: Messages From a Military Life and editor of Stories Around the Table: Laughter, Wisdom, and Strength in Military Life, will be a guest on Faith Radio's "Connecting Faith" program on Nov. 10, 2014 from noon to 1 p.m. Central. Listeners can call in with questions: 877-933-2484. Copies of each book will be given away during the show.

Artis Henderson Presents at Sanibel Island Writers Conference Nov 8-9, 2014

Stories Around the Table author Artis Henderson will be at the Sanibel Island Writers Conference at Florida Gulf Coast University November 6-9, 2014. She'll give a reading from her powerful memoir, Unremarried Widow and will present on "How to Write a Book Proposal."

Volkman on The Jack Riccardi Show Fri. Nov. 7, 2014

Lori Volkman, coauthor of Stories Around the Table: Laughter, Wisdom, and Strength in Military Life will talk about reintegration after deployment as well as some of the challenges faced by women veterans, live on "The Jack Riccardi Show" on Friday, November 7, 2014 at 12:05 PM CST.