Latest Past Events
Weathers, Hoppin, Domingos-Lupher Speak at Military Spouse of the Year Awards May 4-5, 2016
Several Elva Resa authors will attend the Military Spouse of the Year Awards events in the Washington, DC area May 4-5, 2016. At the Town Hall, Stories Around the Table coauthor Sue Hoppin will deliver a keynote. Corie Weathers, author of Sacred Spaces and 2015 Armed Forces Insurance Military Spouse of the Year, will lead a Spouse of the Year breakout session. Stories Around the Table coauthor Adrianna Domingos-Lupher will participate in a business and entrepreneur panel. On May 5, Corie will deliver the keynote at the VIP luncheon, where the 2016 AFI Military Spouse of the Year will be announced.
Holly Scherer Shares Her Inspiring Story at the Spouses’ Club of Fort Eustis Luncheon April 21, 2016
Holly Scherer, coauthor of Stories Around the Table, and Military Spouse Journey, is the guest speaker at the Spouses' Club of Fort Eustis April luncheon on April 21, 10:30 AM - 1 PM Eastern. Holly will share her inspirational story of military life to close out a yearlong storytelling theme SCFE chose after attending a Stories Around the Table event last May.
Suicide Prevention Seminar: Univ of Michigan Alpha Gamma Delta Sorority
Living thru Crisis co-founders Judy Davis and her son Geoffrey bring “Are You or a Friend at Risk,” a suicide prevention program created for college students, to the sisters of Alpha Gamma Delta Sorority, University of Michigan, Tuesday, March 22, 2016, at 8:00 PM Eastern.